Graphic Designer Salaries
usdesignschools.comgraphic designer salaries
The following table contains salary data* for 2012 about Graphic Designers and related jobs:
Job Title | Average |
Graphic Designer Production | $59,454 |
Graphic Designer Artist | $56,390 |
Graphic Designer | $57,741 |
Graphic Design Specialist Computer Assisted | $58,494 |
Graphic Design Supervisor | $56,147 |
Graphic Design Teacher | $49,385 |
Graphic Supervisor | $56,134 |
Graphic Designer salary data from previews years
Graphic Designer salary data table for 2010
Job Title | Average |
Graphic Designer Production | $60,311 |
Graphic Designer Artist | $44,044 |
Graphic Designer | $60,311 |
Graphic Design Specialist Computer Assisted | $42,489 |
Graphic Design Supervisor | $57,423 |
Graphic Design Teacher | $60,380 |
Graphic Supervisor | $57,423 |
* Salaries based in U.S. Dollars. Data source: